
Education: Cardinal Manning Secondary Modern School, west London, 1956-1961; University of Keele , 1965-9, BA 1969; Balliol College, University of Oxford, D.Phil. 1975.

1979-2007: I taught in the University of Manchester Department of History.  I have held various visiting and other positions, including Professorial Fellow and Honorary Professor, History, University of Edinburgh; Visiting Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics, and University of California San Diego: Visiting Professor of History  at the University of California, Berkeley;  and New York University. I have been a Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute Florence, a Trinity Long Room Hub Fellow at Trinity College Dublin,  and a Moore Fellow at the University of Galway, among other positions. I have given research papers in China, Russia, India, and in Brazil, and at numerous universities in Europe.

 “For over thirty years Patrick Joyce has challenged orthodoxies in history and the social sciences. Through his engagements with cultural Marxism, the linguistic turn, Foucault’s work on governmentality, and material culture, his has been a consistently radical voice in the successive debates over the future and politics of social and cultural history since the later 1970s. While his research has ranged widely from the politics of class in Victorian England to the formation of the modern self, it has always shown a preoccupation with liberalism, modernity and the discipline of history. Although his work has concentrated on Britain, its influence has registered widely, not only in Britain and North America, but across much of the world.”

From the conference in honour of Patrick Joyce, Manchester, March 2008 (see the Festschrift, The Peculiarities of Liberal Modernity in Britain Book on the Publications page)